- Akeel // Founder of TODAYSMYDAY
This story is not an easy one to share, especially for me. But this is how the journey of TODAYSMYDAY. began. As someone who is passionate about capturing your story. I feel it’s important you know mine. So here it is. At a young age me and my cousin Nabil had a passion for almost everything creative. From gaming, storytelling, photography to eating. For years we spent long hours writing stories and our dreams to travel the world, help the poor and spread happiness and success by bringing people together. Unfortunately, the dream came to an end when at a very young age Nabil lost his battle to cancer. One day to my surprise out of the blue my cousin sends me pictures of me and my cousin (Nabil) together a few months before he passed away. I never knew these images existed. The images brought back so many memories of me and him planning the future on how we would capture stories and share them with the world. Good stories that will motivate people and bad stories where positivity and hope can be found. I remember doctors telling us that today could be his last day. I remember Nabil saying TODAYSMYDAY. But not as in TODAYSMYDAY that I’m going to pass away but TODAYSMYDAY. that I am going to make the most of my life and spread happiness and smiles. I remember when on his birthday his friends got him an Arsenal top and he still wore it to keep smiles on everyone's faces even though he supported Manchester United Football Club. These memories made me feel weak but at the same time I know that this was the moment where things will change. And with that one set of images that were sent to me I made it my mission to document the lives of many all over the world. Whether it be a photoshoot at Comicon or a wedding. I wanted to use my passion that was reborn to capture the essence of a moment. So, after a lot of hard work, I bought my first ever camera which was the Canon 7D, which to this day I still have. I used this camera so much that from that point on the journey of TODAYSMYDAY. began. So, there you have it a story on how it began and why I am so passionate about capturing stories.